How are you today? If you read this article then you definitely want to empower your business, or spread the word about it among web users. Handling your own business is very important for becoming an independent person and building a happy future. An unusual idea, or unique services will give you an opportunity to start a successful undertaking. However, there is a tough competition on the modern market , that’s why you should have tools that will help you to go online, and thus keep your business fit. Therefore, top 10 WordPress themes are here to help you squeeze maximum out of your idea.
First of all, we should consider if the onion is worth peeling and figure out the benefits of your own business. The coolest are described below.
- Moneymaking. Usually, your own business makes your wallet heavier. Of course, there are lots of risky things in it, but we think that any risk is worth all the sweats and pains. Furthermore, it is a huge contribution to your happy life and cloudless future.
- Experience. For sure, working in a big company gives you some valuable experience. But only complete independence will give you such knowledge that are meaningful in becoming a successful person. Biz is a huge responsibility which gives an invaluable experience.
- No bosses. You already know what it is about. No more annoying bosses with their strange tasks. Since now, you are the one and only boss who knows what to do.
Moreover, in the era of high technologies it is really important to be online. Web space gives you an opportunity to become well-known on the Internet in the blink of an eye. We all have an access to the Internet, and day by day we are getting tons of new information. True story, isn’t it? So, keeping in mind all the above mentioned, we can sum up that website is a must-have tool to enhance your business.
Now, let’s check the possible ways of website building. Modern market offers us a custom web designs and ready-made website templates. Sure, you can ask a web studio to create your site from scratch, but be ready to hear a “nice” price and “fast” deadlines. If that doesn’t bother you, we would recommend you a list of web developers that will help you to make your web dreams come true. Web Studios Catalog is a list where you can find only the best providers all over the world. You’ll have an opportunity to search by countries, cities and CMS platforms. Moreover, if you are a professional web developer feel free to fill out an application form to be listed there. Just a few steps to get hot leads and targeted audience.
For those, who would like to make a site by themselves, we would recommend WordPress with its multiple capabilities. This CMS will help you to build a perfect website without touching a codeline. By the way, you don’t have to be a web developer to build a website powered by this engine. Few clicks and your site is ready to spread information about your services and products. Talking about pre-made solutions, we would recommend you TemplateMonster with its wide range of website templates. Moreover, guys from TemplateMonster provide their clients with 24/7 customer support. Feel free to contact them at any time and from any point on the Globe. Keep in mind, some of their themes have GPL license, which means that paying once you have an opportunity to create as many websites as you wish. Sounds sweet, doesn’t it?
Now, we suggest you to check top 10 WordPress themes in 2017 that will make your business rock!
Monstroid2 – All-Purpose WordPress Theme
Monstroid2 has 9 pre-built layouts, which gives you an opportunity to find a perfect solution for your website right after unpacking. Moreover, this theme has a GPL license, so, feel free to purchase once and to use it forever for as many projects as you need. Furthermore, Monstroid2 is fully integrated with Woocommerce plugin and will help you to build an online store without a headache. Also, this multipurpose theme is fully responsive and your customers will be able to check new information right from their smartphones or tablets. With the help of social media options your clients will easily spread the word about your website, so, there is no need to spend extra money on promotion.
Trendomania – Fashion Blog WordPress Theme
With a WordPress Live Customizer you will be able to edit your theme in a real-time mode with no need to reload a page. Furthermore, this SEO-friendly theme will bring you to the top of search results. Feel free to show your consumers top products or hot offers with the help of website slider, while newsletter subscription will keep your customers informed of new arrivals. This fully responsive theme will help fashion geeks to read your stylish blog from the tablet and even smartphone, while social media options will give them an opportunity to promote your brand all over the web.
Contractor – Building Company WordPress Theme
This SEO-friendly theme will help you to be a number one in searching results. Furthermore, with a custom widgets you will be able to improve your website, its functionality and capabilities. By the way, WordPress Live Customizer will help you to make any changes in real-time mode which really matters. Additional pages will simplify the process of inserting more information about your services, prices, and your company as a whole. Moreover, with GPL license this theme will help you to create as many websites as you wish, while you pay only once.
Elbrus – Multipurpose Business WordPress Theme
This well-documented WordPress theme will help you to make any changes without touching a line of a code. You can experiment with multiple colors and icons to attract more customers and make your website look better. Also, slider revolution will help you to create headers and multiple effects to impress your clients. By the way, a newsletter subscription option will help your customers to stay informed of your innovations and special offers. Moreover, this theme is multipurpose, so, feel free to implement as many ideas as possible. Keep in mind, Elbrus is fully responsive, and your consumers will be able to check your website using even a smartphone.
Glossy Look – Fashion WordPress Theme
WordPress Live Customizer will help you to use real time editing. With additional pages you will be able to put more information about your fashion blog and to describe it much wider. Furthermore, newsletter subscription will keep your customers informed of fresh articles and latest news. Moreover, a wide range of social media options will help your customers to spread the word about your website and thus make your audience wider. Take into account that this theme has GPL license which means that buying it once you have an opportunity to launch as many websites as you want.
J.Trudeau – Business Courses WordPress Theme
This SEO-friendly WordPress theme will help you to get to the top of search results. Using multiple content modules you can add different content types to your web page. By the way, your clients can easily book your courses with the help of appointment manager. Moreover, using a timetable plugin you’ll be able to create an online schedule for all your events to keep your audience informed of upcoming seminars. Also, WordPress Live Customizer will help you to edit a theme as easy as never before without touching a codeline.
Presstige – Digital Printing Responsive WordPress Theme
Multiple layout options will allow you to experiment with the structure of pages to find the perfect solution. Your customers can easily book an appointment right on your website thanks to appointment manager. This SEO-friendly theme will help you to become the first in search results, while social sharing options will let your clients tell the whole world about services you provide. Moreover, with a GPL license it seems much better, because buying once you can create as many websites as you need.
Laraway – Digital Marketing Agency WP Theme
Website slider will help you to show all hot deals and specials services to your audience, while a newsletter subscription will keep them informed of new offers. WordPress Live Customizer will give you an ability to manage your theme in a live-mode. You can add various types of content to your web page thanks to content modules. Furthermore, Cherry search plugin will help your customers find exactly what they need in the twinkle of an eye. By the way, this theme is SEO-friendly and will help you to be on the top of search results, while social sharing options will let your customers to spread a word about your services.
TechnoFix – Tech Repair Company WordPress Theme
Appointment manager will help your customers to book an appointment right on your website, while contact form will let them ask you additional questions with no effort. Also, using website slider you can easily showcase your clients special offers and a wide range of your services. Thanks to WordPress Live Customizer you’ll be able to edit your theme in a real-time mode. By the way, this well-documented theme will help you to make any changes without touching a codeline. Keep in mind that TechnoFix is fully responsive, so, your customers will be able to check your services using any modern device.
Gusto – Restaurant WordPress Theme
This theme has a GPL license which means that buying ones you can create as many projects as you need. A wide range of additional pages will help you to describe your restaurant /cafe in the best light. An appointment manager will help your clients to reserve a table right on your website, while post carousel will help them to check your special offers and hot deals. Note that thanks to WordPress live customizer you’ll be able to manage your theme in a live mode.
How do you like these top 10 WordPress themes? Did you find a perfect one? These themes are the best tools to enhance your business and make it a number one on the market. If you are hungry for more solutions, take a look at the whole collection which will definitely become your inspiration. By the way, feel free to express your thoughts in the comment section below.